The Feel Good Collective. Online Community. Choosing a life that feels good and right for you | Emma Hannan Creative

Feel Good Collective

Self-love and self-care are more than random bubble baths and occasional "me time".

It's a way we move in the world.

It's how we choose to nourish and adorn ourselves. Choosing to feel good is a choice we have to make over and over again. Within this space, my hope is that we can do just that.

The ways we care for ourselves are as unique as we are. For me, it's through self-love and self-care practices. In this space, I'll share my journey to happier hair and skin with Monat, my enthusiastic desire to be kind to my mind, my focus on deep rest, and my intention to hold a somatic connection with nature. Feeling good is the plan.

I wholeheartedly invite you to come and experiment with what feeling good looks like to you. No matter how we choose to do this, we deserve to feel good through our days.

Feeling good can be who we are.

Feel Good Collective

Self-love and self-care are more than random bubble baths and occasional "me time".

It's a way we move in the world.

It's how we choose to nourish and adorn ourselves. Choosing to feel good is a choice we have to make over and over again. Within this space, my hope is that we can do just that.

The ways we care for ourselves are as unique as we are. For me, it's through self-love and self-care practices. In this space, I'll share my journey to happier hair and skin with Monat, my enthusiastic desire to be kind to my mind, my focus on deep rest, and my intention to hold a somatic connection with nature. Feeling good is the plan.

I wholeheartedly invite you to come and experiment with what feeling good looks like to you. No matter how we choose to do this, we deserve to feel good through our days.

Feeling good can be who we are.

Feel Good Collective...

a community where self-care and self-love are more than just words

  • a space where choosing to feel good is the whole point
  • #feelgoodproject - 100 days of tuning into what feels good to your soul and choosing to be and do it.
  • #lookgoodfeelgood - follow along with my personal Monat hair and skin love experiment. Learn and try with me and if it feels good to start your own look good feel good experiment I'm here to help.

So if it feels good....

Begin your own 100 day #feelgoodproject

Feel into what self-love and care look like in your world

Start your own #lookgoodfeelgood adventure

Explore happier hair and skin with me & Monat

The choice is yours and the invitation is open.

Welcome to the Feel Good Collective.

ready to be part of the Feel Good Collective?

it's currently a free community to join